Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Introduction Part !!!

This is my first time to write down my Introduction Story in this blog.
Hello Everyone, my name is Reno Vancasavio. All of you can call me Reno as my nickname. I live in Semarang, Indonesia. Do you know it friends ? Semarang is located in central Java, Semarang is the capital of Central Java. Semarang is quite big enough, but Semarang is very very tropical country. Since Semarang is located in the central of Java, so that the weathers are very complicated. As you know, Indonesia has two different weather, which is dry season and rainy season. In this city, when the season changed, there will be so extreme weather. You'll see both of the weather just in a one day. Usually in the morning there was very hot weather, but suddenly the rain come. Yeah that's all about Semarang, my hometown.

Now I studied in Diponegoro University, Management Faculty of Economics and Business, International Class. Ok I think that's enough for my introduction, because I have no more time to introduce who I am, but I promise when I have a lot of leisure time, I'll be back, write down everything and share so many experiences that I have.

"when you do something without pray to the God, it is just same with you do unworthy things"

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